Thursday, January 17, 2008

In My Bag

So i been so busy running all around town. (school starts in a few days so I have a lot of errands to run.) Anyway I'm finally going to do my IN MY BAG post since i been tagged by Le Book a while ago.

My Bag (courtesy of H&M) and all of its contents (I carry a lot of stuff!)

My mirror, Iman Powder, Sally Jensen lotion, Victoria's Secret Grape Lip Rush, Maybelline Lip Gloss, Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush body mist in Appletini and Strawberry Fizz, & Purell Hand Sanitizer (for the train)

My gloves and the blanket I'm in the process of crocheting

The two magazines that keep me busy on train

My two cell phones that keep me connected to the world.

My Metro Card and wallet

and last but not least my umbrella (the weather is always unpredictable)


Anonymous said...

I love your bag and your umbrella! My umbrella is a school bookstore special, and I'm afraid to use it anywhere but on campus!

Secretista said...

I love your umbrella! Umbrellas make me smile ;].

And... 2 cell phones? DAMN GIRL!

Mash said...

damn you have 2 cell phones ????? lol
great bag :)
i know its riddiculous but i m in love with your umbrella , mine is all black :( and I can see that you love the lip gloss <3

In Yr Fshn said...

Ditto on the two cell phones!?!

Love your bag and your umbrella---it's so delicate!

Michelle said...

Your bag is really nice, haha I see that it can fit in a whole lot of things too!

kokostiletto said...

Always gotta have the umbrella! don't know what I would do without it!

Mz. Salsera said...

i love this a look into your

hannah said...

i really really like that bag. it is so cute. i wish i had an h&m near me, but no such luck. i love nylon as well! it is my favorite mag of the moment.

two cell phones!? wow. do you have to pay for two plans? or is the sidekick just to hard to talk on? haha.

matt williams said...

I love the whats in my bag posts.